Course details

~ Enjoy Niigata ingredients and local cuisine ~ Niigata Kaiseki 3500 yen

~ Enjoy Niigata ingredients and local cuisine ~ Niigata Kaiseki 3500 yen

3500 yen(Tax included)

  • 4items
  • 4persons-

Treat your valued guests to Niigata with local flavors...Recommended for guests coming from far away or for entertaining guests.We offer Niigata ingredients and local cuisine.Served with hegi soba and tempura fried in sesame oil.

Course menu

~Niigata Kaiseki Contents~

Please enjoy the seasonal flavors of Niigata.

◆Assortment of seasonal flavors

◆Local cuisine

◆Niigata seasonal tempura

◆Hegi soba

We also have 20 types of local sake available at all times.

*Contents may change depending on the season.

Reservation reception time
Available days for reservation
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays to Sundays, holidays, and days before holidays
Length of stay
2 hours
Reservation deadline
Until 21:00 2 days before your visit date

2024/02/02 update